Monday, August 15, 2011

pjs in the shower, why not?

He is who he is... Cooper is so damn awesome! I mean that, I really really mean that. He keeps me on my toes, brings a smile to my face all the time and leaves me scratching my head, picking my jaw up off the floor and laughing deep belly laughs multiple times a day. Is he really my kid? I have to pitch myself most days. Seriously he cannot get any cooler... and then he goes and does! Lucky me!

This particular video he managed his way into the shower with his pj's on. I was running the shower water to get it warm when Cohen called for me to help him in the toilet room (yes we have a room in our bathroom with just a toilet) and then when I came out this is what I found...

Friday, August 12, 2011


Thanks to my friend Melanie we have something that proves we indeed are a family. We NEVER take a family photography, I mean NEVER. I was starting to worry that the boys would look back and Cooper's first year and wonder if we were ever all together for anything. We literally took about 15 minutes with Melanie... not by choice rather that is all Cohen would give us. The poor kid just doesn't get that the world doesn't revolve around him. Unfortunately it appears our family photos do for now.

Cooper turns 1 on Wednesday and I hope to have his one year photos and snaps from his big day to share with you in a timely matter seeing that I never even did a post for Cohen's third birthday back in May. Do I even have any blog followers anymore? For more photos click HERE.

Monday, August 1, 2011


We tried for his 11 month portraits today. He would not sit still so we put him on a stool which turned him into a real sourpuss. So most of our shots turned out like this one. However, if you go HERE you will see a rare moment... one that I LOVE so that you Jeremy for picking up the camera and snapping a few. I cannot share the rest because they are part of Cooper's 1st birthday invite.

We have been busy here... trying to beat the heat, stay caught up with work and house. The boys are starting to really play together which is so fun to watch. We say it all the time... Cohen has to toughen up because Cooper already is tougher than he is. Cooper dominates Cohen... steals toys, food, whatever else Cohen has and Cohen being the nice big brother doesn't want to hurt him so he puts up a modest fight to say the least. I hear a lot of "Cooper stole from me", "Coop's pulling my hair", "He hit me"... Start the protein shakes Cohen, Coop's only going to get bigger and tougher. After all he is the scrappy younger brother and he is a bit of a red head to boot.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lovin Him Sleepy Style

If you have just one child and think that you don't want to have another shame on you... you are doing that first born a disservice! There is nothing better than a sibling. I should know, I have two and I love both of them just about as much, if not more than Cooper apparently loves Cohen.

Cooper loves his brother like something fierce, even when sleeping. I found Cooper loving on Cohen today while Cohen was DEEP into a nap. Seriously... Cooper loves Cohen like I never imaged and I never imaged loving to watch it and be a part of it like I do!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

11 month mark

I took these two photos yesterday when I was cleaning up the studio and preping for the week to come. Cooper turned 11 months today so I though I would post his pj shot and a shot of him throwing a cupcake (its fake don't worry). Look at his form though. I say it now... he will be just as good if not better a ball player than his overly obsessed big brother!

Anyway, Coop turned 11 months today. What I want to remember about you (cooper( right now...

Your laugh. There is nothing better. You laughs all the time, sometimes over nothing. Your laugh makes me laugh but most of all it makes me smile and feel warm. You is so happy and its so settling for me to know that he is such a happy guy.

You love to drag things... purses, blankets, buckets, totes, toys, anything with a string, handle, or tale. He is dragging it. And he kind of walks funny while he does it and usually does it while yelling out.

That you say "Hi dad", "Hey", "Koda" (only when he sees her), "dad", "got it" . He says "hi dad" ALL the time. A little "hi mom" would be nice.

I love that when I yell for Cohen, Koda, or Jeremy from across the house you follow suit and yells for them just after me.

That you empty out the drawer full of plastic bowls and cups in the kitchen a hundred times a day

That you started to hate to shower and love the bath. I hate baths so you aren't as clean as you once were. Sorry about that! Like showers again and that will change.

Love that you love being outside and in the sun and pool.

That you play great solo

That you love your brother, kind of obsess over what he is doing, hug him a lot, and even jump on him

I love that you still love to jump on the bed with Cohen just before bed time

That you are obsessed with iPads, iPhones and computers... technology geek you are.

That you love to hug. You hug ALL the time

That you walk really well and take your bumps and bruises like a champ. As a matter of fact you took a header off the stool in the below pic just a few minutes after I snapped that shot and today Cohen hit you in the head with a metal bat. Thats right metal. You have him to blame for any learning disability that you may have in the future. You simply cry for a few seconds and then your off again. Your tough, not a complainer.

I want to also remember your temper... you have one, its quick, nasty and short lived but you are fiery! (just like me)

Lastly, that you sleep so well. You have always been a great sleeper. To bed awake with a bottle and you never fuss. However you are an early riser... 6:30am but I leave you hanging until 7am and you are pretty cool with that most days.

What I want you to know...

I love you with a calmness that has never been in my life before. You ground me, make me grateful to be a mom. You really are very little trouble! I mean that. If I were guaranteed to have another babe with the demeanor that you have been blessed with I would pop that babe out tomorrow but since babies do not come with guarantees... your it. I am quitting while on top, ending on a great note, closing with the best.

Now I know Cohen will read this and think my mom hated me. Not so much, actually the opposite. I love you, Cohen, like something fierce! Your just 3, you whine, you hit, you kick and you back talk. You stay up until 10 even though your in bed at 8:30 and you tell me what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a matter of fact you try to tell me what I am going to eat. You tell me to listen up, get you this, get you that, you forget to say please and thank you, you eat crackers in my bed and leave crumbs behind as a matter of fact you come to bed with me at some point nearly every night. So if you would just get out of my bed with your body and crumbs, say please and thank you, stop hitting, whining and back talking than I too will write a post about all the wonderful things about you but for now this is Cooper's moment in the sun.

So Coop, happy 11 month birthday. I cannot wait until one. I loved you as a baby, it was so easy I do not really have memories of it, if that makes sense. It was uneventful... just you being you. Easy as pie, doing everything well ahead of time, and taking it easy on me. I cannot help but think you were sent here to make my life easier... you just are spectacular. Your joyful heart, gorgeous eyes, charming smile coupled by your laugh, and mischievous ways make me want to freeze you. As tempting as that is you are a terrible flyer right now (its true he is the worst, screams the entire plane ride) so I will let you grow and then consider freezing you and at next perfect age!

(kinda looks like a bad school pic)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July... long over due

We have been enjoy fun in the sun. I have been catching up on work and in between trying to spend as much time with my guys as possible. Cooper turns 11 months on Sunday. Tears... one more month until one. He has been walking since 9.5 months. He is a nut. Super busy, really quirky and mischievous... nothing like Cohen. Needless to say I have had to become a different parent this time around. Cohen was cautious and well Cooper is not! Its fun. Snaps above are from the 4th. I promise to do a photo recap of the last couple of months soon. Until then enjoy pictures from the 4th of July. We did it up southern block party style. Lots of food, grilling, kids, beer, and fire works oh and sun!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

seattle sessions

For more of the few Seattle sessions and wedding images I have been able to edit click HERE. Hope to blog and share photos of our most recent trip to Seattle soon. I still have 3 more sessions to edit and post on the blog so check back for more.

Our trip comes to an end tomorrow. Cohen will say his goodbyes to Grammie Kate tomorrow, as well as to Gramma and Grumpa. We hate to go. Its always hard. Cooper will leave Seattle with his walkin shoes on. He is not crawling at all anymore. He also leaves here a better napper... no swing sleep! He was perfect the entire time of course because he is just so damn easy. Easy going with everything... and boy is he happy, happy, happy and busy, busy, busy! Cohen had a blast with G. Kate, Auntie Linda and Uncle Tony as well as a day where Aunt Patty joined in. He was able to see his best gal Isabel and other mother Kelly and visit with some of my gal pals. He was even able to see his Auntie M's after her 6 week European work adventures. Cohen and Cooper got to spend Monday with their M's. Of course they also had plenty of Uncle T time as well. Cooper however seemed to be sleeping a lot when T would stop by. (his visits were often after 9pm). Cohen also was able to visit with his Aunt Kathie as well. He just loves her... He also had a first. His first day alone with Auntie Linda. Lots of fun and now we pack up and jump a plane for NW Arkansas where the sun actually shines. Wish us all luck... a 10 month old and a 3 year old flying for 7 hours... Luck will not be what I need :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bathingsuit Beauties

It has been hot as hell here... 90's. So these are the boys daily outfits and they eat popsicles for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then have ice cream for dessert. If they don't behave I make them eat something hot and healthy! Cheers to summer. There is nothing better!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cohen and Coop

Okay, okay... same old song. I am busy. I did finally do a post about the boys. Click HERE to check that out. I put it on my photography blog because the format is just nicer for viewing pics and reading.

The weather has been so warm here in the mid south that I can only take outdoor sessions first thing in the morning or later in the evening. That means the boys and I spend all our time out in the back yard with the water hose and Toy Story slip n' slide or poolside at the neighborhood pool. Both boys love the water. Cooper is no where near cautious where Cohen is very thought out and careful but never letting his worry keep him from having fun. He jumps into the pool with no fear as long as he has an adult to jump to or his float on. Cooper on the other hand thinks he is a fish. Tries tearing free from our grip or tries lunging out of his float. He is the one I think I have to worry about. Cooper has bumps and bruises all over, oh and two burn scars on both his hands. He eats dirt from the flower beds, climbs on top of things, climbs the stairs, eats rocks from the gas fireplace, plays in the dog's food and water bowls and is just a mess. I keep thinking he will slow, he will settle down and not think everything is so cool and interesting now that he has tried it all but that's just not happening. The boys are out of school until mid July. We have a trip to Seattle coming up so I saw no point in enrolling them for the first session of summer when they were going to miss half of it with travel. So now that I do not have care for them my time becomes that much more limited and I am still seeing clients. So this may be one of very few blog posts for some time. Although I will try to do better. Until then enjoy these two characters above and visit my photography blog for more reading.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Poor Little Blog

This poor little blog. I had big dreams for you and there were crushed beneath two kids in 2 years, a dog, a babies Daddy... yes babies not baby's we do have two together out of wedlock! As well as a photography business that for some reason leaves me working late into the night every night. Excuses sure but at the end of the day I want to play with my kids in the yard and then put my feet up and watch the same shows I have been watching for years, not blog! Its enough having to keep up with my photography blog and photography facebook page!

Things like Cohen's 3rd birthday go unblogged and Cooper's milestones go uncharted and shared. promise to do better and I do promise a post about Cohen turning three or thirteen if you ask him since he is "big" now as well as Cooper's latest milestones of standing solo and taking his first steps just days before turning 9 months, which he does tomorrow.

So below are pictures from April and May. Cooper was 7 months in the first image and 8 in the second. He dwarfs Cohen... or at least his head does. Sorry Coop bud, your head is a biggie!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baseball Skills

I know I have said this before but my kids are freakish in the motor skills and development. Do I think they will go on to be some professional athlete or something???? NO, NO I do not but I do think it is pretty ridiculous that Cohen has been able to hit a pitched ball since before he turned two. Videos of that are on my crashed computer. Which is terrible sad and I only hope I can retrieve them. That is for another day.

So here is a video of my almost three year old freakish kid back in March. Soon to follow will be some video of my just turned 8 month old, as in just turned yesterday, already starting to walk. He pushes things around the house. So my kids are freakishly coordinated. Notice I did not say freakishly smart which that is what I wish they were. Smarts go further than coordination however both would be nice! For now coordination it is! Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bath Snaps

A few bath snaps. We do not bath much at our house because everytime the kids do Cooper ends up underwater more than above it. He is a maniac! He thinks he is as big and coordinated as his big brother. News flash Cooper... you are 7 months, not almost three and your chubby little legs cannot keep you afloat so ease up buddy and just sit still during your bath and maybe you would not get your tush thrown in the shower so much and then just maybe we would have more bath pictures on file! Much fun around our house with Cooper on the move. We think by 9 months we may have a walker. Oh, goodie!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you here that?

Have I mentioned that we took a family trip, yes family that includes Jeremy, back to Seattle for a week in mid March? Well we did and look what Jeremy and I treated ourselves to... a little getaway. Just the two of us. It was the best. We slept, we ate and we sat in quiet, no kids. This is the first time since before Cohen was born that Jeremy and I have spent the night together without kids. Yes, that would be 36 straight months of no sleep, no piece and quiet, no just me time, him time or together time for less than a nap would allow. I didn't miss the kids for a second. Ok for maybe a second. It was wonderful and WE ARE doing it again!

At one point I laid lifeless in the soft fluffy bed and said...

Me: "shhh... do you hear that?"
Jeremy: "No, what?"
Me: "Exactly!"

Amazing that is all I have to say!

Photos from our trip to follow!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Up to my ears in babies

I promise to post some shots of the boys and all they have been up to but right now I am up to my ears in newborns. Check out all the sweet little babies I have been spending my days with (and nights editing). Click HERE

Thursday, March 31, 2011


So for this dad March 30th will forever be his birthday but a year ago we gave new meaning to it. For Jeremy's birthday last year we found out whether we were having a baby girl or another little guy to add to our family.

As most of you know by now we added a boy, Cooper.

So we went from one little guy Cohen to two little Beach boys... Cohen and Cooper. And I will say that the proud dad to these little guys has made being a parent look easy here lately.

And that is the story of how Jeremy's birthday will now be forever spent with these two little devils. We always joke and ask when this happened? .... kids that is. We only remember life without them when they are on our nerves or when we are sleep deprived, which is more often than not. But look at this big 32 year old softy! How could anyone imagine a better birthday than a birthday with your boys. (okay maybe I can imagine a more exciting one involving a beach vacation, mixed drinks and no kids but I will save that for when the boys are not so cute and little) So happy 32nd birthday Jeremy. Hope you enjoyed it, lonely cupcake and no gifts is how we do it these days! *And yes we chopped Cohen's hair. I hate it, not the cut just that is is not long and shaggy anymore. We will be growing it back for those who miss it already!

Monday, March 21, 2011

showing some love (koda)

Showing Koda some love on the blog. She is such an old gal now at almost 13 years young. She has the spirit of a teenager with the set ways of an old timer. She is the best dog. The poor thing never wanted kids around but she sure puts up with them and with no fuss. Okay she steals Cohen's food right from his hand or plate just to tick him off. Those two have a love hate. It is pretty funny really. Seems as though she tolerates Cooper in a much more mothering manner.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

7 months down

7 months down and a lifetime to go. Oh Coop the best times are yet to come. So far you are off to a great start. You make us so happy. As a matter of fact you make us giddy and you even make your daddy cry (a joyful cry... I am the one who gets up with you twice at night some nights so my cry is one of pain). You boys have made your dad soft and you especially. You make him the happiest pop in town ever since you started to do this light up, smile, and start shaking your pudgy little body routine whenever he walks in the same room as you. I don't blame you. He is the fun parent but in time you will figure it out that I am the better of the two of us.

You have been sitting up since a bit before 5 months, crawling at 5.5 months and pulling to a stand somewhere shortly after 6 months. You now cruise furniture, people, or between whatever you can get a hold of. I can tell you are anxious to get to walking. I beg and plead with you to slow down, relax but you insist on keeping up with your big brother to whom you are obsessed with. Not sure why... do you not hear him whine all day, every day. Do you not remember how just last week he tried to pick you up and carry you, just to drop you on your chest and chin... on the tile floor? He told me it was an "accident" but who was he trying to kid? Accident or not he dropped you! He doesn't stop you from playing in the dog bowl and he takes all your toys. So please just realize he is not that cool and you do not want to hurry up to keep up with him. So slow down, stay a baby a while.

I love, love, love that your tongue is never in your mouth and that you wiggle it like a lizard every chance you get. I love how you go into convolutions when you hear me shaking your bottle. I love how you play with my hair when I feed you. I adore your chubby little hamhocks and chubby cheeks (both sets). I cannot kiss them enough. I love how you lean in for kisses. I cannot get enough of your giggle, especially when you laugh at Cohen jumping on the bed. I love the rolls on your legs, the downward turn of your mouth, the look you have that reminds me of my grandmother and mom. I eat up how you love to snuggle, and how you march to the beat of your own drum (you eat when you want, nap when you feel like it, and rarely cry or fuss between). I love how when you do finally decide to cry you let me have it and show me no mercy. I think one of my most favorite thing about you at this very moment (besides the fact that you love my awful singing) is that you LOVE to shower, alone, with me, with your brother, your dad, your dad and brother. You are a shower nut. Its great. Your fussy I shower you, your poopy I shower you, your tired I shower you, your happy I shower you. No matter what the mood the shower does you good. Its great. I also love that your a tech geek. Well, not really, its actually quite annoying. You throw a fit over the computer, iPad, iPhone, remote control but instantly stop when I hand you any one of the above.

Well Coop, I could go on but I will spare you the mushy embarrassment. Just know that we think your the greatest 7 month old, little brother, 2nd born baby in the entire world and that we thank our lucky stars that you are ours! You just have that something, that something that makes us happier than ever before!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dirty Little Boys

No there is nothing wrong with him except that he is a boy, an almost three year old boy with a head full of nonsense and imagination. I have a ton of friends and family having babies... All of them boys to be exact. I figured I would give them a glimpse into a typical day with my almost three year old, who is all boy! I found him last Saturday morning on the side of the house digging in dirt looking like this. He is a total mess, a character (and I do not mean buzz lightyear). He is the cats meow and that is why I would still take him to the grocery store, mall or the park looking like this. Trust me it has happened.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cohen Says

This little booger who I seem to call Charlie all the time, as in sorry Charlie, has been saying some funny things... So here you go:

So I am getting ready to meet a girlfriend for dinner. I did not know Cohen was lingering around our bathroom and bedroom...

Me: Damn it!
Cohen: What's wrong mom? (as he puts his hand on my arm from behind me)
Me: Oh I have a stain on my shirt
Cohen: Oh, that's okay mom you always have a stain on your shirt
Me: silence... I just put my finger on his forehead and knocked him to the ground

now he says "you always have a stain on your shirt" when he wants to make me smile

Here is another. Cohen and I are playing a game of "pitcher" as he calls it. As in I am the pitcher he is the batter.

He is putting out a terrible effort. I mean he can hit the ball. So I say...

Me: Come on you can do better than that!
Cohen: Come on mom you can pitch better than that!
Me: Terd!


I do not even have time to write. We are busy. Well at least it feels that way. After moving last month I am finally getting settled. My March calendar is slammed and I worry I cannot balance work, kids, relationship, home responsibilities but some how I always manage. The boys are good. Cohen is getting closer to 3 everyday and I cannot believe the things that come out of his mouth. I need to post our conversations. I will do that soon. Cooper is 6 months crawling, pulling up on things, bonking his head all the time and eating a bit of solid foods although not interested much despite hawking Jeremy, Cohen and I whenever we eat. We love our new house and cannot wait for warm weather so we can get out in the yard. Cohen calls his yard the sandlot and yells at Koda for pooping in his sandlot. I love it. Enjoy the pics.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And He Is 6 Months...

Cooper is 6 months today! It has flown by with ease. A speed bump here and there but that has been it. I could not have asked for a better, more funny and enjoyable little guy to help ease into the transition from 1 to 2. Jeremy and I say it often "we are lucky, could you imagine if he weren't so easy?" I do not have too much dirt on Cooper to share, he causes us very little parenting pain. I give it time, soon I will have headaches, and tantrums to share with you all but until then I am just going to enjoy and cuddle this perfectly chubby guy! More 6 month photos HERE.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We are talking 22 inches people...

We have never seen a snow fall like it. Not even my winters at Minnesota. 22 inches in under 12 hours. In Arkansas... What the hell, right? So this guy who has no snow gear and apparently no wardrobe either (notice the blue scrub pants once again), took to digging the car out. Also notice the snow is at Jeremy's knees. He is 6 foot 2 inches. We are talking a lot of snow!

So Cohen finally man'd up and put on his snow gear to find out the snow is fun... a lot of fun!

He attempted his first snow angle. Half ass'd but not bad.

He even made his first snow man. If you did not know this, this kid is obsessed with Frosty the Snow Man. He finds videos of Frosty on the iPad and plays them all the time. He sang Frosty the entire time he and his older girlfriend Kaelee were building the snowman. Kaelee is 10, lives down the street. He loves her.
Jeremy, who was suppose to be shoveling the drive somehow got suckered in by the neighbor girls to dig a snow fort for them. Jeremy is a sucker... he dug out their fort and didn't get the drive finished until just before dark. Kaelee is in the blue jacket. Again, Cohen loves her.

All the while Cooper and I got to watch all the fun from the warmth of the house. Which is totally fine by me. Snow is for the birds and I would much rather spend my days on a beach somewhere than in the snow.