Friday, March 6, 2009

Seattle Recap - Baby, Bras, and Family

Reading with Gramma
Putting p.j.'s on with Michaelanne
Playing with Tommy
In heaven with the super bra
With Momma and looking nothing like me

First of all I better apologize to my sister, Michaelanne, for the bra pic but I just could not help myself. Cohen is either going to totally be into boobs or be totally frightened of them. I am guessing the first but you never know. Its no secrect that my sister is blessed. Cohen discovered her bra and really had fun playing with it. We could not help but embarass him by snapping a handful of shots of him playing and getting tangled up in it. I am still laughing just thinking about it!

We are back from Seattle! Our week and a half trip went by so fast. I am so mad at myself that I really didn't take any pictures while I was there. I have no pictures of Cohen with my dad... Sorry Grumpa! I didn't take any pictures when Cohen and I got together with all of the Beach side of the family. However Aunt Patty will be sending pictures that she took. I also did not take a single picture when we got together with my mom's side of the family. So I am a bad mom but I guess I just get tired of taking photos all the time.

Above are a few shots from our trip. We really didn't do anything exciting. We just spent our days visiting family and friends. Oh, Cohen is 10 months today and he is walking for real now vs. his kind of walking that he was doing before. I will try to post a video of that today as well since he is at mother's day out.


Jessica said...

Haha! I love the bra picture!

Stacie said...

adorable! I have a few great pics of you and Cohen from Sunday - still editing :)