Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I took these pictures today... Cohen slept in because he is battling a double ear infection and infected tonsils. We had to go to urgent care on Saturday, which in return forced me to have to skip my first over night stay away without Cohen. I was suppose to spend the night in Hot Springs at a lake house for one of my best girlfriend's bach. party. I still say Jeremy put Cohen up to the ear infections and tonsil issue. Cohen has never had anything other than a runny nose so his first real sickness couldn't have come at a worse time. (The hospital in December is a separate issue) Cohen has seriously been a sick free baby. As you can tell from the pictures above he is starting to feel better!


Stacie said...

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!

Walkabout4444 said...

Lish, Oh My God! Great shots, so Cohen Thomas Beach.

The Moore Fam said...

i'm so glad he's feeling better...he is just precious.

Jocelyn said...

poor guy. double ear infections.. no fun. but always so cute and smiley!