Thursday, March 12, 2009


Nothing new going on... I took these pictures yesterday. He has been sleeping so hard with being sick so I figured I would take advantage of the fact and play around with him a bit. The tub shot was just for fun too, I am trying new things simply for practice. The sleeping shots are a few of my favs thus far. Enjoy!


Walkabout4444 said...

Excellent shots my Dear!

The Moore Fam said...

i must agree, those are absolutely adorable!! i can't wait to take hadley's shots. it's going to be warm a few days next week, maybe we can get together. i would like to take some pics of her and bailey together as well.....maybe we can plan that sometime soon!

Jocelyn said...

him sleeping so cute with the hat on. tara whitney has some shots of a little girl in a tub with suds and it's so cute.. i love it! aren't you ready for spring and summer so you can cohen and your photography outside? only so much we can do inside, but you are doing so well:) the editing is great too.

Shelby said...

Oh these are some of my favorite of him. Too cute!