Saturday, July 26, 2008

Home From Seattle

We are home from Seattle and I was praying that Cohen's new found demeanor was not just a Seattle thing. You know he loves his Grandma and Grumpy as well as Grammy Kate and his aunts, uncles and friends in Seattle. So I figured when we returned to Arkansas he would be less stimulated and go back to being fussy. 

I think all new mom's will tell you that the first few months with a new baby are really tough. You spend every second trying to figure out your new baby and what makes them happy or what is making them cry. So, when you have a solid month of a fussy baby where you spend every second catering to their every whimper, tear, and babble it is so gratifying to receive smiles and laughs throughout the day. Its like finally, you are getting a thank you in return.

We have finally reached that point. No more fussy newborn and hello happy baby! 


Walkabout4444 said...

Hi You Two, Thank You so much for coming back to Seattle and sharing Sir Cohen with us again. He is such a "Jewel" to be around. Lish, I am glad he is not the grumpy little fella he was before you left for Seattle but this is how it goes with little ones. Special Moments are such a treasure :-) Sorry we did not get a chance to visit with you, hopefully next time girl! Jer, it was so great seeing you with your son, now it seems much more real.

Love Ya All,
The Harritt Clan

Jocelyn said...

god! he's so cute. i love both pics. i thought he was a dream when i saw him. so chill. i love it! enjoy.

Sundi said...

Those are the absolute cutest pictures I have ever seen of a baby in my life.