Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bits n' Pieces

Cohen holding Jeremy's finger -  2 weeks old

Cohen's cute new kicks. I love baby shoes -  7 weeks

Cohen 8 weeks

Okay so I absolutely love bits n' pieces of anything really. Cohen just happens to be the cutest thing I have around to photograph so you guys are getting nothing but Cohen for now. I love the top picture because Jeremy's finger looks so massive compared to Cohen's tiny grasp. It allows you to put to scale just how tiny Cohen was when we brought him home. (6lbs 1 oz!) The middle I love because of the colors and the size of those honkers. And the final image, well, to start off with his hands look like that of catchers mitts compared to the rest of his body but its just the simplicity of the image that I like. 


Sundi said...

Those shoes are killing me! I can't believe there are even shoes so small. I'm pretty sure he has about a year before shoes are even necessary but whatever is cute.

Alicia said...

They really do keep his socks on otherwise he just kicks his socks right off. On top of that, yeah they are cute!

Jocelyn said...

i love bits and pieces too- and i like to see things the way someone else is- scaled down the way you have done it. i loved cohen's sweet face in the first one. loved you describing his hand like a mit- made me go back and look- and you were spot on! gorgeous pics! and sundi? shoes are totally necessary!

Walkabout4444 said...

Happy Fourth of July Cohen! Love em