Wednesday, July 9, 2008

2 Month Dr. Appointment

The above is a picture of Cohen just shortly after his two month doctor's appointment. Note the metallic band aid on his thigh. Needless to say he was not happy about the series of shots he received on both thighs. 

He weighed in at a whopping 10.5 lbs. Which puts him in the 20% for his age but he is 23.5 inches tall which puts him in the 55% for his age. He goes back to the doctor in September for his next round of shots.  


Sundi said...

I remember that apt. for our girls and the shots where an utter disaster. Three nurses came in and needle caps where flying everywhere, 30 seconds later they were all done and oh yeah, all three puked after. The girls where inconsolable. Not fun. Looks like your little guy didn't like it much either. Poor thing.

Sandie B said...

Hi Alicia, don't know if you remember me or not but I am Ryan B's Mom - Sandie B and have known Jeremy forever! Jos keeps up with you blog and gives me updates and I just had to check in and see this little guy...soooo cute..My God he looks exactly like Jeremy...what proud parents you must be. Love all the pictures. Would love you see you guys if you are ever in town. Sandie b

Alicia said...


Of course I remember you! I am always joking that Jeremy and Ryan are cheating on Sundi and I with eachother. They talk on the phone to eachother about every 5 minutes!

Cohen and I are in town until the 24th of July and I know that Jeremy really wants both you and Jos to see Cohen. I will get in touch with Jos to set up a time that works for her. Jeremy will be here this weekend so we will be sure to see you. Thanks for keeping up with us and Cohen on the blog. Cohen is a carbon copy of Jeremy, right down the identical pointed ears and big bottom lip! :)