I have been really bad about posting. To be honest the blog is just not what it use to be for me. I have so much going on that I forget to blog until things have long past. I will try to be better.
So I am headed into my 37th week with baby #2. We still have no name picked out. We do have Michael set for a middle name, sticking with family members for that. My sister, for those who do not know, is Michaelanne. Cohen has Thomas as a middle name after my brother and they both share May as their birth month. Well baby #2 due August 24th, however we are being induced August 17th shares his birth month with his Aunt Michaelanne so we thought how appropriate. So That is where Michael comes from. Not to slight Jeremy's side but the kids get the Beach last name so we want to represent the Jerome's in there some where. Right now front runners for names are...
Feel free to chyme in. I would love to hear your thoughts. So I am posting a pic. from 36 weeks with #2 and providing a link to one of my very first blog posts... me at 36 weeks with Cohen. Click HERE for that. I am pretty much the same size and the exact weight. I even put on the belly mold I did with Cohen and sure enough it is the same size. I did it at this point in pregnancy with him. Strange how they are the same. With this one I am a lot lower, and more out. I was much wider and high with Cohen. I actually think #2 will arrive early seeing that I am already 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. We go to the doctor tomorrow so I should have another update then. Just to note with Cohen I never dilated. They induced me at 39 weeks at not even 1 cm so being dilated already is a great thing. Means labor should progress quicker.
Enjoy the pic. May not post anymore seeing that I am getting larger and more swollen looking :)
Beckett!!!Kennon and cooper are my favorite!!!!Looking good girly!!!!!!Whoa baby!!!!getting ready!!!
i love kennon and beckett! but all of them are great.
My vote is for Ryden and Cooper ... Bet the heat is getting to you carrying around all that extra weight?
So cute. like all of the names. good luck to you! can't wait to hear how it goes and see picts of your new little one! :)
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