Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This Time Last Year

Now: 17 months (1 week shy of...)

5 months

5 months (one week shy of...)

I am about a week early but what the heck... The above is one of Cohen's 17 month portraits. That is right! 17 months... Time really does go by fast. This time last year Cohen was only 5 months and was such a tiny little guy. He only weighed 13 lbs 10 oz. He was sitting on his own then and rolling over but that was about it. Boy, how things have changed!

Now he is weighing 23.5 lbs and is 32.5 in tall. He is so active, and so happy. He finally has four teeth and is working on another four more that I can see popping threw. He loves to hit the ball, throw the ball, watch Cookie Monster, watch any sport with Dad, especially Tiger Woods! He enjoys blueberries and raspberries, the web cam with the grandparents, and playing inside and outside from dusk until dawn. He is always moving, always doing something and he is very independent. You ask him to carry something, he will. Go get something and he will do that too. He even helps me clean! (he gets that from me, certainly not Jeremy!) He changes so much everyday. It will fun to see where he will be at this time next year!

1 comment:

Walkabout4444 said...

Look at those teeth ... time has flown by and my how you have grown Cohen Thomas Beach!!!! Love Ya Big Guy!