Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Long Seattle

[pike place market with gramma and grumpa]

[at the park with auntie M]

[playing with grumpa]

[at the park]

[park with mom and auntie M]


We are back in Arkansas after a two week visit to Seattle. Cohen had a few firsts on this trip. First trip to the zoo and first trip to Pike Place Market. He really enjoys being out and about saying hi to people for absolutely no reason. Its really cute! We visited with old friends, reconnected with old friends, played hard with unlce T, spent the day with Gramma and Aunt Kathie, and picked the last few blue berries from auntie M's blue berry bush.

I will be honest it was a nightmare flying with him... he is 16 months for Christ sake so I don't know why I should be disappointed but I was. I will put it this way... One of his slaps to my face silenced the entire plane. Yup, and that was just the beginning. He did do better on the way home though. He must have understood me when I whispered in his ear as we boarded the plane to head home "act right or I will leave in the planes laboratory for good!"

I know after two weeks of my parents having their house torn up by Cohen that they may be missing the chaos and noise that comes with him! Enjoy the peace and quiet... we will be back sooner than you think!

*note: Tommy was around but I guess he has all the Cohen and "T" pics on his camera

1 comment:

Walkabout4444 said...

;( missing you guys! Told Jer I would love to come out to spend 4 days-week with you all. He said you would see Cohen at his finest, within his own elememt :-)Looks like Seattle was fun for all! Ordered mom prints, complaints have been made to me not sending any ???? Oh well!