Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Packin' On The Pounds

Look at me now... A full month since going to the hospital in December Cohen has packed on the pounds. He went from only gaining about 6 to 10 oz a month to putting on almost 3 pounds this last month alone!!!! We went down to Little Rock for his follow up appointments to his hospital stay and he weighed 17 lbs 14 oz (25%) and measured in at 27.5(50%) inches long. Huge improvement since he checked out of the hospital at about 14 lbs 11 oz and 26.5 inches long. Needless to say he is doing great with his new formula and sugar free diet.

Now that Cohen is packing on the pounds he is really starting to get active and he is wearing Jeremy and I out. He pulls up on everything so a bonk on the head is not uncommon these days and he is such a terd following me around the house and getting into everything. Thank goodness for good health it sure has made Cohen full of trouble ;)

I took these pictures of Cohen this morning eating puffs (yes they have sugar but he seems to handle them well) in his new highchair.


The Moore Fam said...

awww...too cute. i can't wait to see him thursday!

Jocelyn said...

he's so freaking cute. love to see him gaining weight!

Sundi said...

By the looks of him you seem to have no trouble finding enough things for hom to eat. He is so cute with his chubby cheeks.