Friday, January 30, 2009

Cabin Fever

This picture is the cutest. I took it of Cohen this morning as he watched the big kids in the neighborhood sled down my long slopping front walkway. He heard them out there, crawled to the dining room window, pulled himself up on the window's ledge and watched the kids sled for about 15 minutes. It was so cute as he banged on the window, and screeched with excitement. He wanted so bad to be out there. I only made it worse for him by letting Koda out the front door to go play with the kids. When I did that the banging on the window got even louder and more frequent. Kind of like he was saying, "Hey guys, don't forget about me"!

He is getting so big and does all these little things, like the window today, that tell me he is no longer going to be my little baby for much longer. He is becoming so much more independent as each day goes by. Now, if only he could change his poopy diaper that I just caught a sniff of or better yet potty train himself!


Walkabout4444 said...

Simplicity ... Oh Cohen, you should have crawled as fast as you could after Koda.

Sundi said...

Why does he need any friends at all when he has you? Although you on the other hand may like his independence when it means you get some time alone again. This is such a cute picture of him. He is sooooo cute!