We are at the 33 week mark with Beach boy #2. I am feeling pretty good! With Cohen my pregnancy was so easy and this one too. I will be honest and say I am tired at the end of the day, want to nap but I just can't with Cohen home and I cannot seem to get to bed before midnight with all my photography work and household duties. We had a check up today. Baby is measuring right on track and the heartbeat was strong. Again, the doctor we saw was more interested in Cohen's advanced baseball skills... videoing him on his phone doing his pitching from the stretch, high knee kick than he was in our little bean. Oh well, next appointment I am back to see the doctor who delivered Cohen so I will have more to update then.
Cohen went and saw his first movie. Toy Story 3 (3d) and hated it. It could have been that the 3d glasses they gave us were sized for Jeremy and not a 2 year old but really I think he is just sensitive to loud noises. He hated the fireworks on the fourth yet loved watching them out his playroom window from the second floor. Jeremy almost killed him with a "kid" firework so that probably did not help either. We went to a ball game with a fireworks show after and he just tucked his head into Jeremy's neck. So Cohen is a fireworks wimp which is okay by me. It means he won't be blowing any arms or legs off or blowing things up. Our friend Tory from Minnesota came and stayed with us for a few days. He and Cohen hit is off, playing ball all weekend.
There is the recap... Off to do more more work and get caught up so I can try to relax some.
You look amazing!!Love th ebelly pic!!!!I cant wait to meet this little man!
Lish ... You look "GREAT" I am also glad Cohen does not like fireworks too!!!! Happy Belated Fourth!!!!
you look tiny compared to me at 33 weeks which is also when I had my 3! You look good and I like your hair. A bit shorter then Im used to. I like it!
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