Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It Feels Good To Be Out There!

Oh how good it felt... The NCAA Track National Championship are being hosted by the University of Arkansas and little old me is shooting for the University of Minnesota. I have missed my Golden Gophers and a lot of the athletes participating for the Goph's were freshman and sophomores when I was still their Director of Photography. I will be shooting until Saturday so expect some shots everyday. Like I said it simply felt good to be out there shooting real athletes.

I didn't even miss Cohen. How could I when he was out there with me on my back while I was shooting for the first hour and a half. That was a sight and we got a lot of looks. We had arrangements for his care but this kid has some wonderful timing... hand, foot and mouth. Yup, he has it! Not a pleasant sight. He has a rash all over but he isn't acting sick! None-the-less NO day care for 72 hours!

Above: Cohen still strapped in the child carrier pack sitting on the track. While I shot the decathlon long jump. It was really kind of funny him being out their on my back. My fellow, male, photographers thought it was the funniest thing ever. Men photographers are total dorks... at least the sports photogs I know. No offense to my male photog friends. I like you despite your dorkieness! Cohen was a good boy, thank God!


Walkabout4444 said...

LOL ... Lish you are so talented as a photographer and a MOM!

Stacie said...

Great pics Lish, glad you're back at it! :)

Jocelyn said...

love to see you do this type of photography... you are so talented. dying that your little man was strapped to your back. these are the memories you will remember 20 years from now.