Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have so many other photos that I need to be editing for work, advertising layouts I need to be creating, and websites that need updating but I just can't help myself. Cohen pictures are just so much more enjoyable to edit and work on. So enjoy photos from a shoot just the other day. It is 85 degrees, so I am loving the weather and life today. I am spoiled... editing photos, at home on the back patio, in the SUN while Cohen plays with his new car toy in the backyard! This is why I live here... the weather!


The Moore Fam said...

these picture are adorable...he's so stinkin' cute. we have got to get together soon, hadley needs some "professional" pictures! mine just aren't cutting it :)

Walkabout4444 said...

What happened to the hail and ice storms? Yes Lish, it is great that you can be home with Cohen and enjoy your home. SUN ... What sun! Rain, Rain, Rain :(