Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sinus Infection... Poor Guy!

Where have we been all week? We have been in our pj's until noon because Cohen has been the best napper! It sounds great but he has been the king of napping because he has a sinus infection which has led to a runny nose, which drains down his throat instead of running out of his nose. Since is snotty nose has been draining down his throat he has a terrible cough... like he is coughing up a lung. We went to the doc. on Tuesday because I thought for sure he had bronchitis but no this little guy has a sinus infection. I cannot wait for it to be summer so his sinus' will dry up and he can be back to himself minus going back to not napping :)


Walkabout4444 said...

Poor baby! Sinus trouble already what a drag! You can see it in his eyes just how stuffy he is. Try the child Cloriseptic Allergen Blocker that just came out. Works great and just a dab under the nose every 6 hours does wonders Lish ... I can't wait for summer either!

Jocelyn said...

this is the first time i've looked at him and saw YOU! something about this pic makes me see you. so cute! poor guy. sinus infections are horrible. take care