Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow Cute!

This morning we woke up to snow. So I bundled Cohen up for a few quick shots in the snow. You know, first snow, crazy mom with a camera! Needless to say he wasn't a huge fan. He started out okay but one touch of that cold white stuff and he lost it. He might be more like me than he looks... cold natured, loves warm weather and would rather be naked than clothed. I think I just revealed entirely too much! We are grabbing our flip flops as we speak and heading for Mexico! Don't come looking for us. We will blog to let you know we are okay. Burrrrr!


Shelby said...

Ahh again I can't stand it. He's so lucky to have a photog Mom to capture all these awesome moments.

Walkabout4444 said...

What a way to start out December! Brrr... Mexico, margarittas, warm beaches ... sounds great!

Jocelyn said...

ok. maybe i'm an idiot but i had no idea you guys got snow! cohen in snow is so cute- as always great pics.