Saturday, December 20, 2008


Cohen thinks that just because he has packed on almost an entire pound since coming home from the hospital that he is a big boy all of a sudden. That is right Cohen left the hospital a week ago last Wednesday weighing 14 lbs 14 oz and as of this past Thursday Cohen weighed in at an astonishing 15 lbs 12 oz. I couldn't believe it since he had been putting on a little under a pound a month for a while now. One week, one whole pound! I think he is making up for lost ground. Now he is still in like the 10th percentile or something but seriously he is making a strong attempt to get back to where he should be.

Since the sudden weight gain Cohen thinks he is big and strong now too... pulling himself up on to everything including the mirror in our bedroom and then tumbling into the wall and bumping his head on the crown molding around our bathroom door. He whaled to the point of almost making himself throw-up but after about 15 minutes of that the shock had worn off and he was attempting to pull himself up on the coffee table laughing the entire way. Oh, the fun to come.

The first picture is of his bruise from the fall (just above his left eye)
The others are just because they are cute!


Walkabout4444 said...

Hey Bruiser! Looks like Dad and you went a round! Lov'in these pics. Told you by Christmas he would be running to the tree Christmas morning. I just may be right :)~~~

Shelby said...

Ha! I love that you're documenting every little moment. He's going to love seeing this stuff when he's older.

Alicia said...

Shelbs- I know, it is a bit obsessive, but we live in AR, there is not much else for me to do other than document. :)

Jocelyn said...

am in love with how you captured his first bruise. priceless. that 2nd picture is the spitting image of beach. unbelievable how much they look alike. 2 days til you get here!