Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cohen Meets Santa

First of all look at his cheeks! In less then a week out of the hospital and on the correct formula and diet this kid is filling out. Not to mention he has become super active or shall I say a little crazy. Trying to walk, crawl and pull himself up onto people and things and he doesn't shut up and this was a baby who wouldn't say much a week ago.

Anyway... We took Cohen to see Santa and have his what will be annual picture taken. For those of you who know my family well, know that my mom still has Michaelanne, Tommy, and I go sit with Santa and have our annual picture taken. She has what 32 pictures so far. How old are you anyway Michaelanne? This will be a tradition that I will continue, so sorry Cohen. YES, you will have to go sit with Santa for your picture at 28 years old too. Just like Mom has to do this year.

So we braved the 16 degree temperature. I thought I lived in the south for the warm weather???? And Cohen sat with Santa and smiled on que like he does for all the pictures I take. He didn't cry or fuss. He just sat there checking out Santa's real beard, and glasses probably thinking why the hell is this guy dressed like that.

I love how Cohen's arm is just resting on Santa's belly. I love Christmas!


Walkabout4444 said...

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas! Love those chubby checks and his coloring is rosier. Maybe he will be running by Christmas morning to reach the tree before you can stop his little feet. Can't wait to see you all Christmas as we have something to celebrate. Pic's arrived today, Thank You so much and will bring them when we come.

Big Hugs

Jocelyn said...

i see his cheeks! he is filling out! yah! love his arm on santa's belly. such a cute shot. dying that beach is in the pic! countdown is less than a week til you are here!