Monday, December 22, 2008

Naughty or Nice?

In case I do not get to post again before Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our friends and family, oh and our blog stalkers!

8 inches and Counting

8 inches of snow at the least is what has hit Seattle. As I pack our bags for our trip to Seattle I get an email from my sister and it contains this photo. Its telling, isn't it? I love the snow, just because we don't get it very much here in Arkansas. When I was living in Minneapolis, I cannot say I loved it. I welcomed it for a day and then wished it away because it was just too cold and messy.

It will be nice to have a winter wonderland for Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday. It just makes me feel so warm inside, and there is nothing warmer to my insides than a Christmas with snow!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Squashing into the NO Sugar Diet!

An update on Cohen's medical issues...

Well as you can see he is eating some solids. Squash in the above picture. I have been working with a nutritionist to come up with some solid foods that Cohen can eat. Its hard... he cannot have fruits (sad), he cannot do many carbs, nor most veggies. Most of the finger foods out there for babies like teething cookies, etc. contain sugars. He cannot even have Cheerio's. They too have sugars. The kicker for Cohen is that he cannot have sugars (all kinds), fruits, or starchy veggies. He cannot do a lot of supplements like honey, molasses, or maple syrup either. Oh and no Splenda!

So my list of foods he can eat so far is small. There is very little info. out there on this deficiency since only about 1,500 known cases exist. So I may have to start getting creative, start up a CSID (Congenital, Sucrase, Isomaltase, Deficiency) blog and document our story of how we find solutions and alternatives for Cohen.

There is a blog on the March of Dimes ( that really makes me feel lucky that we found out about Cohen early. Some of the stories are terrible. There are kids that have different forms of this condition and some kids are worse off than others. Cohen seems to be okay for now but the kids that had been eating sugar for a longer period of time have had some real problems.

Cohen is putting on weight and we go back to see the GI specialist on January 12th so we will have an update then. Until then he is allowed to eat only a few solids so he is mainly on his formula. Oh, and his runny poop is now solid! I never thought I would be so excited about shit!


Cohen thinks that just because he has packed on almost an entire pound since coming home from the hospital that he is a big boy all of a sudden. That is right Cohen left the hospital a week ago last Wednesday weighing 14 lbs 14 oz and as of this past Thursday Cohen weighed in at an astonishing 15 lbs 12 oz. I couldn't believe it since he had been putting on a little under a pound a month for a while now. One week, one whole pound! I think he is making up for lost ground. Now he is still in like the 10th percentile or something but seriously he is making a strong attempt to get back to where he should be.

Since the sudden weight gain Cohen thinks he is big and strong now too... pulling himself up on to everything including the mirror in our bedroom and then tumbling into the wall and bumping his head on the crown molding around our bathroom door. He whaled to the point of almost making himself throw-up but after about 15 minutes of that the shock had worn off and he was attempting to pull himself up on the coffee table laughing the entire way. Oh, the fun to come.

The first picture is of his bruise from the fall (just above his left eye)
The others are just because they are cute!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cohen Meets Santa

First of all look at his cheeks! In less then a week out of the hospital and on the correct formula and diet this kid is filling out. Not to mention he has become super active or shall I say a little crazy. Trying to walk, crawl and pull himself up onto people and things and he doesn't shut up and this was a baby who wouldn't say much a week ago.

Anyway... We took Cohen to see Santa and have his what will be annual picture taken. For those of you who know my family well, know that my mom still has Michaelanne, Tommy, and I go sit with Santa and have our annual picture taken. She has what 32 pictures so far. How old are you anyway Michaelanne? This will be a tradition that I will continue, so sorry Cohen. YES, you will have to go sit with Santa for your picture at 28 years old too. Just like Mom has to do this year.

So we braved the 16 degree temperature. I thought I lived in the south for the warm weather???? And Cohen sat with Santa and smiled on que like he does for all the pictures I take. He didn't cry or fuss. He just sat there checking out Santa's real beard, and glasses probably thinking why the hell is this guy dressed like that.

I love how Cohen's arm is just resting on Santa's belly. I love Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why We Have Been MIA

So we have been MIA for about a week now... We traveled down to Little Rock on Monday, the 8th for an appointment with a pediatric GI specialist and during our visit the doctor decided she wanted to admit Cohen to Arkansas Children's Hospital for what turned out to be an 18 hour fast to figure out what has been causing all of Cohen's diaherra! There is no nice way to describe his poop but that. Basically, Cohen has never had a real poop, just water stools. Yuck... The GI doctor decided to do the fasting because Cohen is weighing in under 15 pounds and is 7 months old so they consider this a failure to thrive and this is of concern and the cause of his failure to put on weight is his cronic pooping. After two days in the hospital and lots of test they determined that Cohen has a very unique protein difficieny called Sucrase Isomaltase Dificiency. Basically he was born without the enzyme to be able to digest table sugar and sucrose which we all know is in everything.

It will be challenging but he will probably be heathier than most kids because of this. For me it is sad to think that he cannot have the guilty pleasures in life like birthday cake, Halloween candy, Christmas cookies or ice cream on a hot summer day. I am sure as I do research and meet with nutrionists we will all learn how to get around some things but Jeremy and I have both decided that we will alter our life style too to make sure he is not the only one going without the guilty pleasures and some of just the regular day-to-day foods that we all consume.

The important thing is that he is putting on weight, and he is happy and healthy. We are happy to be home!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Overall Cute!

Look at him in his big guy overalls! I just want to kiss him when he is wearing them. Not sure if you can picture this cause he looks so big holding onto his toy box solo but this baby is not quite seven months old and might weigh 14lbs 8oz and that is with a soggy diaper! He looks so cute doing big things because he is so little. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow Cute!

This morning we woke up to snow. So I bundled Cohen up for a few quick shots in the snow. You know, first snow, crazy mom with a camera! Needless to say he wasn't a huge fan. He started out okay but one touch of that cold white stuff and he lost it. He might be more like me than he looks... cold natured, loves warm weather and would rather be naked than clothed. I think I just revealed entirely too much! We are grabbing our flip flops as we speak and heading for Mexico! Don't come looking for us. We will blog to let you know we are okay. Burrrrr!

Thanksgiving Weekend

Above: Cohen (Just shy of 7 months)

Above: Gunnar, Jill, and Cohen

Above: Gunnar (8 months), Cohen (6 months and 3 weeks)

Above: Alicia, Jeremy and Cohen on the ATV

What a long week! We arrived home last night from quite a week in Little Rock. It started out with Cohen's visit to Children's Hospital, and then it was onto three total Thanksgiving dinners. First we went to Jill's dad's for an early turkey day meal, then we went to Justin's parents house for dinner. Justin's family has over 100 acres just outside Little Rock so we took Cohen on his very first ATV ride to check out the land. Call it redneck but it is so fun. Justin's family is so neat and the feast... to die for. They even had Sushi (Justin's mom is Japanese) which I went back for three separate times. On Friday we went to Jill's mom's for another dinner. There Cohen hung out with Gunnar, Jill's nephew. He wasn't so sure of him at first, since he is always around adults but he warmed up quickly. We are now looking into parent's day out to give Cohen some same age interaction and me a break. We made it home yesterday and did laundry all night and this morning we woke up to a little treat... SNOW!