Monday, August 15, 2011

pjs in the shower, why not?

He is who he is... Cooper is so damn awesome! I mean that, I really really mean that. He keeps me on my toes, brings a smile to my face all the time and leaves me scratching my head, picking my jaw up off the floor and laughing deep belly laughs multiple times a day. Is he really my kid? I have to pitch myself most days. Seriously he cannot get any cooler... and then he goes and does! Lucky me!

This particular video he managed his way into the shower with his pj's on. I was running the shower water to get it warm when Cohen called for me to help him in the toilet room (yes we have a room in our bathroom with just a toilet) and then when I came out this is what I found...

Friday, August 12, 2011


Thanks to my friend Melanie we have something that proves we indeed are a family. We NEVER take a family photography, I mean NEVER. I was starting to worry that the boys would look back and Cooper's first year and wonder if we were ever all together for anything. We literally took about 15 minutes with Melanie... not by choice rather that is all Cohen would give us. The poor kid just doesn't get that the world doesn't revolve around him. Unfortunately it appears our family photos do for now.

Cooper turns 1 on Wednesday and I hope to have his one year photos and snaps from his big day to share with you in a timely matter seeing that I never even did a post for Cohen's third birthday back in May. Do I even have any blog followers anymore? For more photos click HERE.

Monday, August 1, 2011


We tried for his 11 month portraits today. He would not sit still so we put him on a stool which turned him into a real sourpuss. So most of our shots turned out like this one. However, if you go HERE you will see a rare moment... one that I LOVE so that you Jeremy for picking up the camera and snapping a few. I cannot share the rest because they are part of Cooper's 1st birthday invite.

We have been busy here... trying to beat the heat, stay caught up with work and house. The boys are starting to really play together which is so fun to watch. We say it all the time... Cohen has to toughen up because Cooper already is tougher than he is. Cooper dominates Cohen... steals toys, food, whatever else Cohen has and Cohen being the nice big brother doesn't want to hurt him so he puts up a modest fight to say the least. I hear a lot of "Cooper stole from me", "Coop's pulling my hair", "He hit me"... Start the protein shakes Cohen, Coop's only going to get bigger and tougher. After all he is the scrappy younger brother and he is a bit of a red head to boot.