These videos are just a glimpse into the life and days of Cohen. He is a baseball obsessed (love the Razorbacks), blackberry (aka: "bigs")and grape loving, two year old. He loves his Uncle T, loves to hit the baseball, read books about baseball, and play on the patio.
Uncle T is very impressed with his hitting ability (23 months in the video)
Cohen on his official 2nd birthday calling out the hogs after seeing his b-day cake
(the cake was a razorback)
Cohen never wants to go to sleep. He just wants to play baseball
Cohen eats breakfast and watches Mickey Mouse in mom and dad's bed
Me:Where is Koda?
Cohen: On the patio pooping!
Cohen loves to watch videos of the
Brown girlsI have been a little blah about blogging. I guess I am tired of reading the same old thing and writing the same old thing. So that would explain the lag in posts. They will probably continue to lag until I get to all my backed photography work and finish a few photography projects. So I want to apologize for the lack of current posts and future posts. I will do my best to post something once a week. Lots on my plate. Need to get it clean.