Monday, April 19, 2010

Lots going on!

So I find myself here is Seattle. Cohen and I are taking one last trip before he turns 2. Since after two he is no longer free to fly. While we are here in town I will be working and Cohen, well he will be playing and have two birthday parties! One of which he has already had. I will post those pictures soon.

I have a total of 10 sessions scheduled while I am here. Below is a little peek of the first session that kicked off a weekend of six shoots. I am tired... that is all I have to say. Two full days of shooting, one birthday party, being 5 months pregnant and taking care of Cohen is more than a full time job. So now I rest and edit until the next round of shoots. To see more of this little girl, her mom and dad click HERE.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

10 shoots is maybe overload.. but good for you. the money is great and a great reason to come to seattle. call me when you get a chance so we can meet up.