Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Beach Family Party

So while we were home in Seattle, Cohen had two birthday parties! The families figured that this might be their one and only chance to ever host a birthday party for C so both sides hosted parties for him.

His Auntie Linda (jeremy's sis) hosted the first party. She went all out. Decorations, party favors, and even an ice cream cake. Which from the photos below you can tell Cohen enjoyed. It was great to have Jeremy's mom and sisters there to celebrate Cohen turning 2. He really turns 2 May 6th but who is keeping track??? Kids need as many birthday parties as they can get. Eventually you get old and you don't have parties anymore. Thank you Auntie Linda. Cohen loved his party and thank you to everyone for his gifts.

Cohen with his Grammie Kate

Cohen with his Grammie Kate

Cohen with his cousin Shauna

Cohen, Grammie Kate, Aunt K, & Auntie Linda (we missed you Patty)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Final Seattle Sessions

To see more of this family...

and this family... click HERE!

Now I am back to AR and back to reality. No more family to help with Cohen. Just the rat race of photoshoots, housework, editing, taking care of Cohen, the dog and Jeremy, as well as being pregnant and finding time for Jeremy and I. Its not how I planned my life but I honestly enjoy it! Thanks to all my clients for making my trip possible. Without you, there would be no Seattle trips and Cohen would not be able to see family as much as he does! Thank you, thank you!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Gies Family

One of my best girl friends, Kelly, expanded her family about a week and a half ago. Lucky me I am in town to document their growing family. In order to see more of this family click HERE.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hurray! Final Weekend Session Post!

Remember her? I first took her portraits when she was just 2 months. I love coming back and doing sessions as they grow. Click HERE to see more from their session. She is so cute! Next to come... Baby Evan Gies. My best friends new baby boy. Then I am caught up and then I start over again this weekend. I do see the light! Cohen's birthday party on Saturday. Which reminds me I need to post pictures from his party is Grammie Kate and Aunt Linda threw for him. Okay so maybe that light is dim but it is there!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

B is for Beckham

Look at how cute he is. He made me feel good about having another boy! To see more of his session click HERE.

Another Session To Share

To see more of this family of 5 click HERE. I am up to my neck in editing. Slowly but surely I am getting through it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It rained on them...

It rained on this family. However we lucked out, finished the shoot and ended up with some good images. To see more of their session click HERE.

Another Shoot

To see more of these adorable little ones click HERE. They are another one of my many weekend sessions.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lots going on!

So I find myself here is Seattle. Cohen and I are taking one last trip before he turns 2. Since after two he is no longer free to fly. While we are here in town I will be working and Cohen, well he will be playing and have two birthday parties! One of which he has already had. I will post those pictures soon.

I have a total of 10 sessions scheduled while I am here. Below is a little peek of the first session that kicked off a weekend of six shoots. I am tired... that is all I have to say. Two full days of shooting, one birthday party, being 5 months pregnant and taking care of Cohen is more than a full time job. So now I rest and edit until the next round of shoots. To see more of this little girl, her mom and dad click HERE.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just Because...

there is no ring on our fingers and we call each other baby (soon to be babies) momma and daddy, doesn't mean we are not the real deal or in this case a family. Check out our family photos which have taken us almost two years to do. Shame on me, I know! We took a few back when Cohen was just a couple of months but that is it. Sorry so many I just liked them all.

Note: All photos were taken by Melanie Merkling and all editing done by me :)

* i think my fav. is the 7th one down. (Jeremy & Cohen)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking Back

I came across this image when I was looking for a few photos for a friend. This was taken at Jill's wedding back in March of last year (2009). Cohen was only 10 months. I hardly remember him ever looking like this or being this little.

Really I thought is was a cute pic because like father, like son... Looks like Jeremy had started him on the booze earlier than I would have imagined.

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Goose for The Giese Family

Check out this little goose! Congrats to Kelly and Jeff on welcoming in their newest little one... Evan James.

He is 7.2 oz of sweetness and 21 inches of cuteness. Just think I have known Kelly since we were at least 6 years old and now she has two babies. So happy for you Kel!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Finally.... we did it. We had our family portraits done! You would think being a photographer that this is something we would do often but not so much. Earlier this week I asked good friend, fellow photographer and soon to be co-owner/business partner at our new studio, (more about that later) Melanie Merkling, to meet us for what was suppose to be a quick shoot. I was really specific about what I wanted so I hope I didn't keep Melanie from being her creative self. Its just that I had a few wall portraits in mind and that was really all I wanted. However, I did want to document our little crazy family of three before we became four. And it looks like Melanie came through!

So the deal was, meet us for the shoot, I will edit and we will be quick. Well, Melanie took some great shots, despite us being us. Here is every ones little sneak peek of what I have edited so far. This is just a tease because there is more and some really cute ones too. So thank you Melanie. I appreciate it so much and of course soon I will be paying you back by photographing your little family of three.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


To see more of these love birds click HERE. Did a short shoot with this fun couple today...

Rough Easter

This little ragamuffin had a rough Easter...

He spent the day with this motley looking crew. Got kicked in the head by one of them (boy in blue). By accident of course. Ended up with a head full of dirt and a cut on his chin. You know... walk in front of the swing while someone is swinging?? Yeah, it happened to all of us when we were younger.
But at the end of the afternoon he was happy because he had this big guy to eat Easter candy with.
Oh, and last night he dyed Easter eggs and loved it. Not sure what is up with the shades inside and at night but he thinks he is cool so he rocks it!