Friday, March 5, 2010

Plenty of Time Together

I have been busy shooting this...

So these two guys have been spending a lot of time together...

First they went to this sweet gals Princess and Pirates birthday party...

Where Cohen dressed like this...

Then they ended their weekend with a little sports by watching a Razorback baseball game...

Now it is Friday and those two guys are still spending time together because I got the flu on Thursday and I am quarantined to the bedroom. I do not give Jeremy kudos very often but really he has pulled through. He is a great dad! Didn't even fuss about having to take Cohen to work with him yesterday. Normally he doesn't do house work either (ok he picks up) but with me being sick he has even pulled through there. So kudos and a thank you to Jeremy. No one tells you that the only break you get as a mom is by getting sick and when you think about that, thats a shitty deal :)

Baby update... had my 15 week appointment yesterday. Everything check out. After a tamiflu script I am feeling better which means baby is feeling better too. Listened to the baby's heartbeat which was 156 beats per minute. Same as Cohen's average beat. Sounded healthy. So we are happy. Still no baby bump... give me a few weeks and I will have one to share. Next up... ultrasound to find out the sex. It is scheduled for March 30th. I planned it for that day since that is Jeremy's 31st birthday. What a fun treat huh?


Jocelyn said...

good updates:) i love that jer went to a little girls bday part. so cute and that c dressed up.
sorry you had the flu. yuck. hopefully the downtime was somewhat nice! march 30th is almost here... coming fast. can't wait to hear. mostly excited to hear your baby names. cohen is a favorite of mine! chat soon!

Walkabout4444 said...

Happy your feeling better, never any fun being prego, sick and still having to take care of home and hearth. Big Hugs to Jer for pulling through taking on all your responsibilities for a faster recovery, less chance of them coming down sick ... Family values is something he holds dear to his heart!!!! :-) See ya soon!