Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Beach Boy!

It's a BOY!
That's right... we produce boys. Today we had our big ultrasound and found out that we will be welcoming another boy come August. Currently at 19 weeks our due date is holding firm at August 24th, however our ultrasound today showed a due date of August 20th. So Beach boy number 2 will be here sometime in mid to late August. We are excited to have another boy, more dirt, rocks and more balls in the house.

Above is a picture of Cohen's knee... head over heels he went. He toppled over the top of his play motorcycle that he rode right down our slopped walkway and down a straight curb. He successfully landed it twice but the third time was not a charm. He seriously milked this injury. Asking for cookies, the doctor, ice cream. He has it figured out and he is not even two! Wonderful...

Scans from today's ultrasound. No denying that the baby is a boy or that he has Jeremy's big lips!

Just for fun here is an ultrasound shot of Cohen from the exact same time (19 weeks)


Jocelyn said...

congratulations... i can totally see you as a mom to all boys. so excited to hear names! and happy birthday jer!!

Walkabout4444 said...

Cohen your a Big Brother now! Your showing your little brother how tough you are with your bumps and bruises ... way to go kiddo! Love seeing our newest little one :-)~~~