Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

So thanks to my sister Cohen's picture with Santa was a success. Cohen anxiously waited for an hour in line all the while my sister, Michaelanne, pumping his head full of positive Santa talk. I thought for sure he would have stranger danger. Not this kid... he clapped his hands and kicked his feet as he stood next in line. He shuffled quickly up onto Santa's lap with no assistance or having to be accompanied by mom or dad. It was very cute and a proud moment.

My mother has 33 years of Santa picture. She started with my sister and we have not missed a year. Even if that means me going and sitting on Santa's lap solo in all the many places that I have lived when I have not made it home for the holidays. I am starting the same tradition. I will make it clear to Cohen that he will never miss a Santa picture and if he does he will be written out of my will! That is just how it will be!

Monday, December 21, 2009

4 Women and a Man

I am still catching up on editing but I couldn't wait to share this family with you. Click HERE to see more of this fun fivesome!

Friday, December 18, 2009

What We Have Been Up To

We have been baking, and baking our hearts out. Every year I bake for Jeremy's clients. Well, every year he gains more and more business which is good except for that meant that this year I baked for well over 200 people. Yikes! Cohen did enjoy baking and eating everything I baked. Well at least the batter!

We also have been to the square with Cohen twice to see the lights, and ride the ponies! He loved them from afar but up close not so much. Can you believe they ding you 5$ for literally a 30 second pony ride. The things you do with kids!

Oh, C also is in to flexing his muscles so I had to show a shot of it. Its pretty cute!

Now we are off to spend the holiday with the family. Pics of that to come I am sure!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Give Him A Bucket and A Ball

And he will forever be happy! Give him a rat and he will be scared to death.

The above videos are just a glimpse of who Cohen is. The first video is of Cohen adoring his uncle T and playing fumble with the football. Love when he bumps his head on the window and thinks its funny because he is showing off for "T".

The second is from Thanksgiving with the Tolson family. Grandpa Tolson scared Cohen and Gunnar with his remote controlled rat!

The final video, my favorite, is of Cohen in the tub happy as can be with his bucket. I love how he tips over from laughing.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Time Last Year...

This time last year we were checking out of Children's Hospital in Little Rock after a 2 day stay.

After another procedure this summer we confirmed that he has Congenital Sucrase-isomaltase Deficiency or CSID. CSID is very rare. Only 1157 children and adults have been formally diagnosed. Cohen's case seems to be very mild although a year ago he was not gaining any weight (14lbs at 7 months) and was going to the bathroom (#2 water) with every feeding and then some. He was dehydrated and a bit lethargic. It was a nightmare. We did not know what was wrong but we trusted our gut and pushed our doctors to find out what was going on.

Where are we at today... Well, Cohen is still on the lighter side only weighing about 24lbs but he is tall... 75% for height. He still has trouble with his sugars and starches and we try to limit them. Now that he is on solid foods and not on a liquid diet he retains the nutrients that he consumes instead of well... pooping the all out. He is still a pooper... about 5 dirty diapers a day but it seems normal to me and all I know is he has come a long way from where he was at this time last year. He is so funny and so active. He doesn't seem to be affected at all by his CSID... okay only affected when he consumes larger than normal amounts of sugar like cake, and candy!

Signs! Really?

So my brother sent me this from his iphone today. I mean really... could this be Cohen's future business someday??? Okay, for some reason I kind of hope not but really what are the chances that my brother would stumble upon this?

Its no secret that Jeremy and I are not married so to see Jerome with Cohen like this just kills me. Especially since Cohen is a Jewish last name and Jerome well lets say it is far from Jewish! Thanks "T". This made my day!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Parade

So we braved the cold this weekend and took Cohen to his first Christmas parade. We met our old neighbors and close friends the VanGundy's and the Podojil's and enjoyed a cold Saturday afternoon at the parade and then lunch. Cohen loves the kids in these families and every time we are with them Cohen hates to leave the kids and go home without them. More Christmas posts to come.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

19 Months

Look at this little rag-a-muffin. I will remember him in his red hightop cons, with his rosie cheeks, throwing rocks and laughing deep from his belly. Cohen turns 19 months today. I always say I am sad that he is not a baby anymore but only because that means he is getting older, which means I am too. But really I have so much fun with every passing day and cannot wait for what he starts doing tomorrow.

I love every inch of him. Even the inches that poop next to the potty instead of in it, the ones that go limp when he doesn't want to do something or get his way, and I even love the inches that say guck, instead of f*%k. That's right... he has a mouth as clean as his mothers!

Friday, December 4, 2009

She Smiles!

For those of you who know my mom, well you know she takes the worst photographs. Its no secret so I do not feel bad posting that statement on the web for all to read. She just never smiles real or seems comfortable in her skin. However when I came across this gem I thought to myself just how beautiful my mom looked and how natural she smiled. Maybe its because she loves him so much and is so comfortable and secure being a grandma to him. I don't know but it just screamed beautiful and I wanted everyone to see it.

In case you all don't know my mom is the best. She has a soul so deep that I doubt I know the depths of it, and a patience unlike any I have ever seen. But most of all my mom is kind...