Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

As I sit here in the warm 70 degree fall sun I think about how much I miss my mom and wish I had her closer to me. I am selfish, I want her all to myself.... no I also just want Cohen to know her and know how wonderful she is. I would be cheating him if he did not get that chance.

Happy birthday the best gramma and mom I know. She is selfless, patient, and kind. I love her more than she knows!


Walkabout4444 said...

Bridget ... Cherish your time together as Cohen will long remember those special times with you! Happy Birthday, hope your day is full of "LOVE" I can see how much he is looking like the Jerome side next to you too.

Michaelanne said...

awe a photo where mom actually is smiling and not looking silly. Yeah. She is the best mom ever. Lish, I guess she taught you well.

Alicia said...

Awe... you think I am a good mom??? Means lots. Our mom is the best. I love her because she is not invasive or nosy, patient, understanding, and has a heart of gold.

I agree that mom does not look silly in this pic. I just don't get why she looks so awkward in most all photos??? Bridge!