Friday, August 7, 2009

15 Month Recap

So after a long three weeks is Seattle Cohen and I are back home. We arrived home on Monday morning after a redeye flight. I am pretty sure that this last trip marked round trip number 9 with Cohen. That pretty much makes me an expert on traveling with babies so if anyone needs advice holler!

Cohen had a minor procedure done on Wednesday in Little Rock. We checked into Arkansas Children's Hospital on Wednesday morning so Cohen could have his small intestine scoped. This is hopefully the end in what has been a long 12 months of wondering what the heck is wrong with my kid and why the hell does he poop like he does. When I say like that refers to the quantity and its appearance. My life has literally been filled with nothing but shit since he has been born. I can honestly say I have changed at least 6-10 poop diapers a day. We will know the results of his biopsy on August 19th.

So as of yesterday Cohen is now 15 months. He weighs 22lbs 11oz. He is 31in tall and his head circumference is 18 inches. He is small all around but looks really good. He is a total boy! He doesn't listen for s*^t, he hits me a lot but it is usually followed by a hug and a kiss. He loves his bat, he loves his ball (both kinds) and his new thing... seriously eating pounds of blueberries. We can thank my sister for that one. While in Seattle Cohen picked and ate a ton of blueberries from my sisters back yard.

Oh we sold our house and have to be out in exactly one week so don't expect much blogging. My life is going to be filled with packing, keeping Cohen out of my hair, packing, putting Cohen in time out (which doesn't work), watching Cohen unpack what I just packed and so on and so on! Wish me luck!


Jenna said...

Where are you moving too? I hope you get answers from the test, its not funny dealing with poop issues. Good luck with the move

Alicia said...

We are moving just south of where we are now... about 20 minutes. I will be sure to post the details of Cohen's test results.

Stacie said...

I hope everything turns out okay with Co! Miss you Lish! XO

Sandie B said...

He won our hearts here in Seattle..what a sweet, independent little guy..not to mention adorable! Loved having your family here to share in the wedding..always great to spend time with you all. Sending good thoughts your way for test results on Cohen - please keep us from all the Browns, Sea and AZ