Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beer and Bottle!

So I opened up our fridge to get Cohen a bottle and it hit me... beer, bottles and a teething ring! What does that tell you about having a baby? Hmmm... Maybe that it will lead you to drink! 


Jessica said...

loves it.

Walkabout4444 said...

Too funny! Just don't grab the wrong bottle in the middle of the night ... Cohen just may like it, then what! :-)

Meg said...

Oh thank God I'm not the only one...our fridge is always fully stocked with beers and milk. And just so you know, I kind of can't get over how truly ADORABLE Cohen is...he is beautiful...and I mean that with every ounce of me. Trust me, I don't just say any old baby is cute (ask Joc, I'm a mean beyotch)...but he is breathtaking.

Alicia said...

I knew I was putting myself out there with this one so I am so happy that someone else shares the same type of fridge! I mean seriously, how else do people make it through?

Thanks for the Cohen complement! I agree with you 100% ;) Cohen and I are in Seattle now and plan on seeing Joc so you should stop over with Hadley. I would love to meet the little girl I blog stock :)! I too think she is pretty damn cute!