Friday, October 3, 2008

McDream Baby!

He is cute and he knows it. He puckers his full lips, bats his beautiful big blue eyes and flirts with strangers. He makes the funniest faces at the most inopportune times. He is a chic magnet and can smile on que! He is dreamy and he is my guy. I sure am lucky! I call him McDream Baby!

Just shy of 5 months - Turns 5 months on Monday the 6th. Wow!


Walkabout4444 said...

McDreamy ...What Big Blue eyes you have! When you smile your whole face just lights up, you little ham! Isn't it great what attention a super cute baby can draw? I love all the different moods you captured and how he expresses his self.

Alicia said...

Moody he is... happy one minute, pissed the other. These pics were taken over about 5 minutes and he gives me so many moods. I guess we could call him McMoody!

Sundi said...

You managed to capture so many faces in one sitting and they are all cute. 5 months, seems like yesterday doesn't it. And they change so fast too.