Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our Long Weekend

Our memorial weekend consisted of a surprise visit from these two...

which turned into a weekend of spending every second at the pool with this guy...

and eating entirely too much food pool side and otherwise...

when the sunset we ate some more with these two...

and uncle T showed Cohen how to dance on Dixon... he was thrilled can't you tell?

we also found some time to eat some more...

and hang out in the yard... (yes, this will be one of the few belly shots you will see. I am 27.5 weeks here)

play a ton of "pop a shot" at the fun center... (this pic was probably taken after 10pm, he is a night owl)

spend more time at the pool swimming, playing and of course eating!

Jeremy even joined us at the pool...

I think this little guy had a great weekend and a great surprise visit from T and Rachel... we know he misses them because he still saying "uncle T and Rachel" all day long!


The Moore Fam said...

how sweet!! i wish we could've met them while they were down.

Walkabout4444 said...

Looks like it was a fun visit :-) Your tummy is huge, sure not having twins?

Jocelyn said...

yeah! so fun. i think that's your first visit from family since c was born? maybe sibiling wise. so great! looks like a lot of fun. glad you got that time in. you look so cute. so tank. and great!

Jocelyn said...

um... it was suppose to say- so tan! not so tank. do not read into that. sorry!