Sunday, May 25, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod!

So Cohen is going through a little phase. He will not sleep unless he is being held. Yup, even at night. Great!!!! I couldn't wait to come home from the hospital and sleep on my stomach after being pregnant for nine months and then I get a baby who will only sleep if you are holding him close to your chest. We are working on getting him to sleep in his bassinet and/or crib at night but right now if you put him down in one of them he wakes up 5 minutes later. I cannot wait to sleep on my belly. But for now, no tummy time for me. 

The above picture is a classic around our house right now. Jeremy loves to have Cohen close to him. They often nap together which Jeremy eats up! These two not only look alike but also sleep alike.


Walkabout4444 said...

Lish, You hit the nail on the head as they are. This is one of my favorite sayings ... Two Peas in a Pod!For me, these black and white have special meaning, they are GREAT!

Sundi said...

Well, I'm sure it is just a phase. He was with you all that time and doesn't want to let you go yet. My girls did the crib thing just fine but that's probably because they started out in the NICU at the hospital and each had their own crib. At least Jeremy is willing to take him off your chest for a bit. That's nice.