Friday, July 22, 2011

Lovin Him Sleepy Style

If you have just one child and think that you don't want to have another shame on you... you are doing that first born a disservice! There is nothing better than a sibling. I should know, I have two and I love both of them just about as much, if not more than Cooper apparently loves Cohen.

Cooper loves his brother like something fierce, even when sleeping. I found Cooper loving on Cohen today while Cohen was DEEP into a nap. Seriously... Cooper loves Cohen like I never imaged and I never imaged loving to watch it and be a part of it like I do!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

11 month mark

I took these two photos yesterday when I was cleaning up the studio and preping for the week to come. Cooper turned 11 months today so I though I would post his pj shot and a shot of him throwing a cupcake (its fake don't worry). Look at his form though. I say it now... he will be just as good if not better a ball player than his overly obsessed big brother!

Anyway, Coop turned 11 months today. What I want to remember about you (cooper( right now...

Your laugh. There is nothing better. You laughs all the time, sometimes over nothing. Your laugh makes me laugh but most of all it makes me smile and feel warm. You is so happy and its so settling for me to know that he is such a happy guy.

You love to drag things... purses, blankets, buckets, totes, toys, anything with a string, handle, or tale. He is dragging it. And he kind of walks funny while he does it and usually does it while yelling out.

That you say "Hi dad", "Hey", "Koda" (only when he sees her), "dad", "got it" . He says "hi dad" ALL the time. A little "hi mom" would be nice.

I love that when I yell for Cohen, Koda, or Jeremy from across the house you follow suit and yells for them just after me.

That you empty out the drawer full of plastic bowls and cups in the kitchen a hundred times a day

That you started to hate to shower and love the bath. I hate baths so you aren't as clean as you once were. Sorry about that! Like showers again and that will change.

Love that you love being outside and in the sun and pool.

That you play great solo

That you love your brother, kind of obsess over what he is doing, hug him a lot, and even jump on him

I love that you still love to jump on the bed with Cohen just before bed time

That you are obsessed with iPads, iPhones and computers... technology geek you are.

That you love to hug. You hug ALL the time

That you walk really well and take your bumps and bruises like a champ. As a matter of fact you took a header off the stool in the below pic just a few minutes after I snapped that shot and today Cohen hit you in the head with a metal bat. Thats right metal. You have him to blame for any learning disability that you may have in the future. You simply cry for a few seconds and then your off again. Your tough, not a complainer.

I want to also remember your temper... you have one, its quick, nasty and short lived but you are fiery! (just like me)

Lastly, that you sleep so well. You have always been a great sleeper. To bed awake with a bottle and you never fuss. However you are an early riser... 6:30am but I leave you hanging until 7am and you are pretty cool with that most days.

What I want you to know...

I love you with a calmness that has never been in my life before. You ground me, make me grateful to be a mom. You really are very little trouble! I mean that. If I were guaranteed to have another babe with the demeanor that you have been blessed with I would pop that babe out tomorrow but since babies do not come with guarantees... your it. I am quitting while on top, ending on a great note, closing with the best.

Now I know Cohen will read this and think my mom hated me. Not so much, actually the opposite. I love you, Cohen, like something fierce! Your just 3, you whine, you hit, you kick and you back talk. You stay up until 10 even though your in bed at 8:30 and you tell me what you are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a matter of fact you try to tell me what I am going to eat. You tell me to listen up, get you this, get you that, you forget to say please and thank you, you eat crackers in my bed and leave crumbs behind as a matter of fact you come to bed with me at some point nearly every night. So if you would just get out of my bed with your body and crumbs, say please and thank you, stop hitting, whining and back talking than I too will write a post about all the wonderful things about you but for now this is Cooper's moment in the sun.

So Coop, happy 11 month birthday. I cannot wait until one. I loved you as a baby, it was so easy I do not really have memories of it, if that makes sense. It was uneventful... just you being you. Easy as pie, doing everything well ahead of time, and taking it easy on me. I cannot help but think you were sent here to make my life easier... you just are spectacular. Your joyful heart, gorgeous eyes, charming smile coupled by your laugh, and mischievous ways make me want to freeze you. As tempting as that is you are a terrible flyer right now (its true he is the worst, screams the entire plane ride) so I will let you grow and then consider freezing you and at next perfect age!

(kinda looks like a bad school pic)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July... long over due

We have been enjoy fun in the sun. I have been catching up on work and in between trying to spend as much time with my guys as possible. Cooper turns 11 months on Sunday. Tears... one more month until one. He has been walking since 9.5 months. He is a nut. Super busy, really quirky and mischievous... nothing like Cohen. Needless to say I have had to become a different parent this time around. Cohen was cautious and well Cooper is not! Its fun. Snaps above are from the 4th. I promise to do a photo recap of the last couple of months soon. Until then enjoy pictures from the 4th of July. We did it up southern block party style. Lots of food, grilling, kids, beer, and fire works oh and sun!