This poor little blog. I had big dreams for you and there were crushed beneath two kids in 2 years, a dog, a babies Daddy... yes babies not baby's we do have two together out of wedlock! As well as a photography business that for some reason leaves me working late into the night every night. Excuses sure but at the end of the day I want to play with my kids in the yard and then put my feet up and watch the same shows I have been watching for years, not blog! Its enough having to keep up with my photography blog and photography facebook page!
Things like Cohen's 3rd birthday go unblogged and Cooper's milestones go uncharted and shared. promise to do better and I do promise a post about Cohen turning three or thirteen if you ask him since he is "big" now as well as Cooper's latest milestones of standing solo and taking his first steps just days before turning 9 months, which he does tomorrow.
So below are pictures from April and May. Cooper was 7 months in the first image and 8 in the second. He dwarfs Cohen... or at least his head does. Sorry Coop bud, your head is a biggie!