Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

So thanks to my sister Cohen's picture with Santa was a success. Cohen anxiously waited for an hour in line all the while my sister, Michaelanne, pumping his head full of positive Santa talk. I thought for sure he would have stranger danger. Not this kid... he clapped his hands and kicked his feet as he stood next in line. He shuffled quickly up onto Santa's lap with no assistance or having to be accompanied by mom or dad. It was very cute and a proud moment.

My mother has 33 years of Santa picture. She started with my sister and we have not missed a year. Even if that means me going and sitting on Santa's lap solo in all the many places that I have lived when I have not made it home for the holidays. I am starting the same tradition. I will make it clear to Cohen that he will never miss a Santa picture and if he does he will be written out of my will! That is just how it will be!


Walkabout4444 said...

Thanks Michaelanne for making this Christmas the year Lish did not write Cohen out of her will ... Like that would ever happen! he is such as treasure and I enjoyed every second I spent with him. Don't forget to have him give Koda her hug and kiss ... Merry Christmas & Congratulations!!!!

Michaelanne said...

He was much easier to brainwash than I'd thought he'd be. He is amazing. We kept watching Santa and all the "big" kids going up to him without tears and I would say: "are you a big kid like those boys? Are you going to sit on Santa's lap?" And he shake his head yes, we'd walk around then and he'd ask to go back to see Santa and all the kids on his lap by saying more and making the sign at the same time, so cute! What an awesome kid!

Walkabout4444 said...

Cohen is amazingly awesome! Very grownup for his age so it does not surprise me that he followed in the bigger kids footsteps. He is a very quick study of everything going on around him and knows what he wants. His learning to sign is just another sign of how smart and coordinated he is. Jeremy and Lish your wonderful, caring parents!!!!