Friday, November 6, 2009

A Year and A Half

Today Cohen turns a year and a half (18 months)! I know I say this often but seriously time flies by.

I often sit and imagine what life would be like without Cohen. I left behind a wonderful job at the University of Minnesota to be a mom, moved to Arkansas to be a mom, left behind my pre-baby body to be a mom (by the way I miss it), and left behind sleep and the freedom to go anywhere do anything on a whim to be a mom. All the sacrificing is worth it. Without a doubt!

When I am exhausted I try to imagine myself somewhere other than here or what I am doing but right now. When I start to imagine my mind just goes back to Cohen. I just can't imagine life anywhere else but with him. Now if I could imagine myself on a tropical beach and I could, I would just be playing with Cohen on that beach or if I try to imagine myself back in Minnesota chasing my career shooting a football game I could but it would be with Cohen in tow on the sideline hanging out with Jeremy. Sure I can imagine myself somewhere else other than here or what I am doing now but I can never imagine myself solo... I just cannot!

Cohen is just the right fit for me and if I could fit him in my pocket and take him everywhere, forever I would!

Just a little side note. Our old gal, Koda, turned 11 in October. She does not get enough respect on this blog. Some 2 years bc (before Cohen, not Christ) Koda was numeral uno. She was my everything... still is but just different. She has been the best dog. So great actually that I will probably never get another because no other dog will be able to hold a candle to her. She loves Cohen despite his ear pulling, pushing, hitting with golf clubs or him trying to ride her and hug her. Most of all she still loves me despite me bringing Cohen home to ruin her perfect dog life. She is just the best. So here is to you old gal... Happy belated 11th birthday. Thanks for being the best friend I have ever had!


Walkabout4444 said...

Lish ... Straight from the heart! When your Mom nothing is the world is more important than giving 110% of unconditional love! Happy Birthday Koda Girl, you look terrific!

The Moore Fam said...

so so cute! happy birthday koda girl, you don't look a day over 5 :)