Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

This time last year Cohen was a week shy of 6 months. He weighed 13 pounds and was 26.5 inches. He was such a tiny, smiley little guy. Now look at him. He is a kid... weighing 24 pounds and measuring 33 inches in height! When your pregnant and when you first have a baby all these old people come up to you and say "enjoy it, they grow up so fast". I always hated hearing that, it was annoying! Pregnancy can never go fast enough and then you are in such a rush to meet each milestone with a baby but seriously they do grow so fast. Just look at my little porcupine a year later, its proof, those old people were right! Uhh... so sad how fast they grow!

Above: 17.5 months

Above: 5.5 months


Walkabout4444 said...

What a difference a year makes ... He has grown considerably over the last year. I forgot to mention in the video of you "Cohen" taking pictures, Oh how I love the way you look over the camera with those big blue eyes. Was he saying back up?

Alicia said...

Yes he was saying back up. I guess I say that when I take pictures of him and he gets too close for me to snap a shot. So smart! I too love the way he looks slyly over the camera. That was why I thought it was so cute!

Walkabout4444 said...

Yes, he looks so adorable peeking over the camera like his is. A little photog in the making!