Tuesday, October 27, 2009


via iPhone

Sunday afternoon Cohen woke from his nap with a fever of 104 and shallow breathing. Me being the laid back parent thought lets just wait and see. Figuring a little Motrin would just break the fever. However, Dad had a different approach... The er! So we decided to get Gramma on the webcam and if she thought we should take him to the er then we would. Of course we were going to the er all along anyway since that is what Jeremy wanted but he knows how to make me feel part of the decision. My mom thought to be safe since we were headed into night to just take him in. So she broke the tie and in we went. Good thing we went with dad's first gut...

After spending 6 freakin hours at the er, (someone explain why it has to take that long!), throwing up in the exam room and a chest xray (which was mid evil torture for C) and hours of wearing those silly masks that they say don't even work, we discovered that Cohen has a mild case of pneumonia. We kept him out of his morning school Monday and will do so tomorrow. This case of pneumonia must be pretty mild because he seems back to his normal high energy self!


Walkabout4444 said...

Listen to gut feeling Lish ... Glad your mom agreed, don't take a chance when over 102. Good to hear he is doing better as nothing is worse than a sick child, Oh wait ... a sick dad is much worse ... lol

Michaelanne said...

It takes that long in the ER because you don't have insurance, because the system is broken, because as much as Jeremy thinks we don't need it we need a public option.

Alicia said...

We have insurance but I agree there needs to be reform of some sort. It was just bs how long it took. I think they want us to suffer so we never want to come back!

Jenna said...

oh poor baby, that must have been rough

Kalamakis said...

Scary! Glad to hear he is up moving again. Hope he gets better soon!