Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Empty House

For those of you keeping up on past posts you will know that I recently had 18 days of house guests. My parents were the last to leave exactly a week ago. The house is quiet and I really miss all our guests. Honestly, no one really got on my nerves and if they did it was for a sec and that was it. I wish my parents lived here or I lived in Seattle.

I really wish Mike, house guest and Jeremy's best friend from college, would leave the U.S. stepsister Canada and head back to where he can golf until early winter. Mike you can live with us... for free. Well for manual labor and a few chores, oh and you need to walk around in just your underwear from time-to-time. That was a nice treat and the upside to having house guests for so long ;) We love you and want to back on the south side of the boarder.

Chris, one of Jeremy's college roommates also consisted of one of the many house guests. He spoiled Cohen with a motorized ATV. Jeremy showed Cohen how to push the go button by his thumb once and the kid had the ATV mastered. He is smart. However he keeps running into s*%t because he cannot figure out how to steer. Right when we thought he was a quick learner with the grasping of how to make it go he has failed us yet again and hasn't even slightly grasped turning. I have marks on my wall thanks to his inability to just turn the damn steering wheel. None-the-less... thanks for the gift Chris, now Cohen is even more of a spoiled brat. Seriously, do one year olds need motorized cars?

Mike with Cohen
Kevin, Jeremy, Cohen, Mike and Chris in the background

Chris, Mike, Jeremy, and Kevin

Mike with Cohen (Mike bought C that shirt)

Above: Cohen riding his birthday present from Chris

All of the below pictures were taken while my parents were in town.

Above: For those of you outside of Arkansas... Ken and Bridge playing Baggo for the first time. I think they are hooked. Even Bridge was talking s*%t!