Monday, March 23, 2009

Walking Like Old Hat

Really, this baby that is walking and picking up objects without loosing balance, to just continue walking after doing so, is just that... a baby. At 10 months old Cohen is walking better than ever expected. He was a ham this weekend at Jill's wedding walking up to anyone and everyone and even getting out on the dance floor. He was a show stopper for sure. Everyone keeps asking me for more videos so here you all go. This was taken today.

We love that he is walking but it has taken him to a whole new level, literally. He can get into trouble now that he has some reach and does just that. Getting into my drawers, pulling stuff from shelves, and simply reeking havoc on my life, house and on Koda. This new found freedom for him has created a kid with energy and coordination and he is using it to explore his new little world to the fullest. He is a total turd, a good turd but a turd!


Jocelyn said...

i'm amazed! such a little guy but so talented:) i love his little cry towards the end

Sundi said...

He is so much fun. what a personality he has now. He just seems like such an easy baby these days.