Monday, March 2, 2009

Naked Almost 10 Month Old

Cohen turns 10 months on the 6th... I know I can't even believe it! Seriously the time has flown by. I stole a page from my friend Jocelyn who is a great photographer herself and stripped Cohen down and took his 10 month portrait naked in the park. I am sure every onlooker thought I was the worlds worst mother. It was 40 degrees out for god sake and I had my kid bare assed at the park with grass sticking to every part of his body including his rear. He seemed to really like being naked and in the grass at first but then I think the elements hit him and he was ready to put his clothes back on and get back to Gramma's where she keeps him warm. 

So, 10 months... I think Cohen is weighing about 19 pounds maybe???? We don't go back to the doctor until he is a year, except to get one more shot, that he should have already gotten, so maybe he will get weighed then. He is walking and just this weekend he started standing from a seated position without having to use a person or object to pull himself to his feet. He even took a few steps after getting to his feet. My guess is he will really start to mastering the walking thing over the next few weeks. Just great... I am having a hard enough time keeping up with him now, while he is crawling. 


Jocelyn said...

did you got to the same park? such cute shots:) hey- you've been more than generous and sharing with everything in terms of photography...and i'm not the first to put a naked baby in grass at the park. i'm glad you tried it because they turned out great.

The Moore Fam said...

poor kid....he's probably still got grass stuck in places you don't know about! very cute pictures though. i love your creativity! maybe we can shoot some more of hadley when you return :)

The Moore Fam said...

oh, and if you see the bachelor jason while you're in seattle please slap him for me! ha ha. what a jerk.

Walkabout4444 said...

PERFECTO!!!! Lish, these are very touching shots only a photographer would think of. Will send the ones I took in the next few days. Still feeling rather crummy.

Walkabout4444 said...

Hazing around the edges adds just the right element! PERFECTO!!!!!