Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can You Believe It? Cohen Is Four Months Old

Cohen is 4 months old. I have no idea how much he weighs or how long he is. He is long and lean. I am guessing that he might weigh 12.5lbs or so. He is still little even though I think he looks big in these pictures. He goes for his four month check up on Tuesday so I will blog about that then. Cohen hit a milestone four months to the day he was born... He rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time. Yikes, he will be crawling sooner than we think!


Walkabout4444 said...

Time flies when little ones enter the picture! Mom said he is teething now, besides rolling over ... Look out those little feet will be flying soon :-)

Jocelyn said...

cannot believe he's 4 months old? i always think he's older than ryan and sundi's girls for some reason. he does look long and lean. no fair.

Sundi said...

I like the first picture. Cali and Delaney do the same thing with those two fingers. I love it!