Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Can Finally Shower

Cohen is not a good napper and when I put him down on his mat or in his swing I am lucky to get him to stay there for 10 minutes without having to come over to entertain. This causes some troubles for me when it comes to showering. Basically, as long as he is awake there is no way in hell he is letting me shower without him crying through the whole thing. Which means its in and out and I don't get to shave my legs. For those of you who know me well, you know I have to shave my legs daily. I just hate stubble... yuck! So, I introduce to you the excersaucer! It is a must have on my what to buy for baby when you are expecting. Cohen loves it. I bring it into the bathroom, plop him in it and ahhhhh.... shaved legs and sometimes even an extra 5 minutes of just letting the hot water hit my body! Thank you Baby Einstein for making this exersaucer. I finally feel human again!

Cohen is too short for his exersaucer so in order for him to be able to gain leverage and move around I put down a phone book so he can touch the ground. I love how little he is! 


Walkabout4444 said...

OMG he looks sooooo adorable, spunky and having a grand ole time. So happy he is putting on weight and his pooh is firming up. His poor little popo sure must have been red. Love the dinasour shirt and camo pants

Jocelyn said...

i love him in this! i have heard this little contraption is a life saver! this might be the best invention ever for you, huh? so glad you can shave your legs and maybe even stay under the hot water a little longer

Sundi said...

Jocelyn is just beginning to love hers too but also is a bit small so we use a pillow. I have to comment on Cohen's little scowl. It's so Jeremy!

Alicia said...

I know Sundi.... his scowl is what I call the "are you kidding me Mom" face. Like are you kidding me? Your taking another picture. He does look so much like Jeremy!