Friday, July 4, 2008

A little game Called a-z. (come on - play with me).

In the spirit of Jocelyn Brown and Sundi tagging me, I bring you a little game called A-Z. (come play with me)

a- available?
Nope. Pretty much married

b- best friend:
Kelly, Jeremy, Jill, as well as my mom and sister. Then there are the girls from college... Leslie, Rose, Kristen, Jessica, Jennifer, and Julie

c- cake or pie?
Always cake

d- drink of choice
Anything with raspberry in it or plain old H2o

e- essential thing used everyday:
My Sonicare toothbrush and deodorant

f- favorite color
Lately it has been color combos with brown... brown and orange, brown and lime, brown and cream

g- gummi bears or worms
Neither, but if I had to choose I would pick gummi bears over worms

h- hometown
Kirkland, WA.

i- indulgence
Chocolate and an afternoon nap. Oh and then there is shoes and an expensive pair of jeans!

j- January or February
January (my birthday month)

k- kids and names
Cohen Thomas

l- life
Is never what I expected it to be. Be I am making the best of it

m- marriage date
Not married... Don't think I ever want to. I am happy being a baby's momma j/k but really I am not interested in getting married right now.

n- number of siblings
Two, Michaelanne and Tommy

o- oranges or apples
Apples, Granny Smith and bitter sweet

p- phobias
Death... don't even like to think about it

q- quote
"Whoever said that nothing was impossible never tried slamming a revolving door."

r- reason to smile
That I lived to see another day and of course Cohen and my family

s- season
Tie between summer and fall

t- tag three people
Lynne, Katie, and Stacie

u- unknown fact about me
I am pretty much and open book so I am not sure...

v- vegetables you do not like
There are so many so I will name the few I like... Favorite is green onions. I like sweet onions, steamed peas and tomatoes, and potatoes.

w- worst habits
That I leave cabinet doors open everywhere I go

x- x-rays you have had
teeth, both feet and hands, both shoulders, left arm and I am sure I have had my legs x-rayed. I am accident prone.

y- your favorite food
Sushi or Mexican

z- zodiak


Sundi said...

I liked your quote. nothing inspiring or positive just true. Great job on getting this done so fast. Wasn't sure you'd have the time.

Jocelyn said...

sundi's comments kill me. so matter of fact. i learned alot about you. you and jer seem pretty much married- you've been together since you were 17 or 18??? can't remember.
p.s. baby's mama's rock.

Alicia said...

Sundi. . . She is something else isn't she? Yeah Jer and I have dated off and on since 1998. Wow, it has seemed like forever. So yup we are pretty much married. By having Cohen we now have a Hollywood marriage. You know when you have kids and stay together forever but never get married??? Like Brad and Angelina. I am his baby's momma which gives me total street cred. :)