Monday, June 2, 2008

Almost One Month!


Sundi said...

It doesn't seem like a month has gone by already. Time flies by so fast. Babies keep you busy. It's funny how you can just sit around all day and watch them grow.

Walkabout4444 said...

Hi Guys, You have to send mom this last set of photo's and the ones just prior too. I call her ever time you post new ones and tell her how cute he is. He is so tiny compared to Jer's hands, yet he looks so big when he is by himself.

Jocelyn said...

Alicia- these are so great! I LOVE them. You have so much to show me. He's adorable. can't wait to meet him soon.

Melissa Conaway said...

Lish - you have such a beautiful baby! He is so sweet and perfect! Tell him I said happy one month birthday!