Sunday, May 18, 2008

Proud Grandparents!

Grandpa Ken or "Grumpy" as I like to call him

Grammy Kate, Jeremy and Cohen

Grandma, Grumpy and Cohen

Since May 7th we have had grandparents in town. That would explain the lack of posting updates to the blog. Kate arrived in town on May 7th, and was able to see Cohen while he was in the hospital. She stayed through Mother's Day, then flew back to Seattle on the 12th

My parents arrived on May 11th after a long day of travel on the 10th that led to them missing their connecting flight in Denver. They had to stay the night in Denver so instead of arriving on the 10th they arrived on the 11th... Just in time for Mother's Day!

Needless to say both sets of grandparents adore Cohen!

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